"Is it possible to copy and paste from one ExpressPCB file (schematic or layout) to another?" I get this question once in a while.
Yes, copying and pasting between ExpressPCB files is possible. It's just less intuitive, compared to what we are used to. You can't open 2 separate instances of ExpressPCB and copy from one to another. The workaround is to copy and paste within the same instance of ExpressPCB.
- Open the file which you want to copy from.
- Select the content that you want to copy, and copy it (press Ctrl+C).
- In the same instance of ExpressPCB open the file that you wan to copy to. (Or create a new file, to copy to.) It's important that you don't close this instance of ExpressPCB between copying and pasting.
- Paste the content (press Ctrl+V). The pasted content will remain selected. Move it to desired position. Done.